Welcome to Blank Page Coaching

Script Services include:

  • Script Therapy : Deep dive script consulting for completed scripts

  • Accountability Coaching : Support and guidance to help you complete your script on a deadline

  • Script Therapy to master your story through 90 minute zoom sessions where we dive deep into your script. Whether it’s a half hour pilot or a full feature, I provide in depth notes that we review, dig into, and discuss. With my clients I continue to see actual conversation around notes provide more breakthroughs than bullet point notes or scores ever have. Love your story but not sure what’s missing? We get into whats working, whats not, and what needs to happen to get you ready for your best draft yet.

  • The Accountability Program to help you finish your script. Through weekly zoom sessions, this program will help you push past creative blocks, excuses, confusion, etc, and get your first draft done, so that you are one step closer to telling the exact story you were meant to write.

What People Are Saying…

"I studied film in college. I majored in it. Working with Carlie on projects has been more insightful than most of all of my professors. She has a way with story that makes you realize just how much better your piece can and will be. Additionally, her level of commitment to feedback and notes is unparalleled.” - Richie Sarian


“Carlie's in depth understanding of the art of scriptwriting, combined with her recommendations for supplemental material, was truly remarkable. She assisted me in navigating the struggles I have with writing, and helped turn them into tools I can use on future projects. Her solid understanding of story and structure allowed her to be agile with her teaching regardless of genre. I mean, before this program if you would've asked if I could write a dramatic post-apcoalyptic short film on my own, I would've told you that it's not in my wheelhouse. Now, I'm here with my first draft of that very story. I'm forever grateful for what I learned during my time with Carlie and the Blank Page Program.” - Corey Powers

“I had stalked Carlie of Blank Page Coaching on other screenwriting accounts on IG, then stalked her website. Did I want to expose my «babies» to a stranger, especially one with industry knowledge? I AM SO GLAD I DID!!! Through multiple Script Therapy sessions, She took my OK scripts and made them infinitely better with her super insightful comments during our sessions, which ran often over an hour…partly bc she is just a JOY to hang with and partly because I learn so much from her, as we do a thorough review. She’s enthusiastic about the craft, detailed, and very knowledgeable about industry standards. She asks GREAT questions that help me look at my scenes a different way, or she’d just flat out say that she doesnt believe a character. Given her comments, I was able to take newly revised scripts, completed w her notes, and send them out to film festival script categories with confidence AND…get official selection status! I mean, beyond what I could have ever imagined for myself!

So, if you’re sensitive about your work being in a stranger’s hands, I promise you that you will not regret the investment you put into yourself and the story you want to tell. If you love your story more than your fear, you’ll get a lot out of your sessions with Carlie!” - Evie Abat

“I’m having trouble finding words to describe my appreciation for Carlie and her coaching. I started working with Carlie when I was 15 years old- an age where having an idea for a movie is usually received with an all-knowing laugh and a recommendation to start smaller with a short. But not Carlie. She treated me and my big ideas seriously, and with kindness and care as she helped me craft something bouncing around my brain into a feature-length, structured script. To say I couldn’t have done it without her is an understatement. Everyone needs a Carlie in their life. She is a teacher, a best friend, and a true storyteller at heart. She does not use her genius mind and incredible knowledge of storytelling to judge; instead, she uses it to engage with your ideas, thoughts, and feelings as she patiently helps you shape them into a—finished!!!—script you are proud of. Your script will get better after meeting with her, and so will your mood. I could not recommend anything- or anyone- more.”

- Sadie Schoenberger

“I would recommend this program to any screenwriter who has ever convinced themselves that they can’t achieve their goals. Let me tell you what; you can, and you will, with Carlie’s help. Through a combination of one-on-one video conferences, personalized writing exercises, and Carlie’s expert advice, you too can regain your confidence as a creative, and silence that Doubting Debbie in the back of your mind for good! I felt safe, comfortable, and supported by Carlie every step of the way. Her simple and effective methods have helped me establish habits that will stay with me for the rest of my life.”  - Colin Moretz 


"Carlie's feedback is thoughtful, detailed, and insightful, and our script therapy session inspired the best rewriting I've ever done." - Daniel Powell

“Working with Carlie was world shifting for me. I knew I needed accountability but I didn’t really understand the why or how behind that need. She showed up in so many ways for me which allowed the space to more deeply understand myself as an artist and human being. In turn, I made more progress in 4 weeks than I had in the previous 4 years. Every step of the way her knowledge, Joy, light and encouragement uplifting me as a writer. 10/10 would recommend.” - Megan Lyn Farley

“Carlie is an absolute star. I was so nervous to show her my work but she immediately made me feel comfortable and understood, like I was chatting to a friend. I had been stuck for over a year, not knowing how to shorten or improve my script and her notes were so clear and helpful. After our meeting, I felt encouraged to work on it because I now knew concrete ways in which I could improve my story. At no point, it felt like she was trying to change my story or make it something it wasn't. She saw my vision so clearly and then advised me on how to polish it even more. I will forever be grateful for her perspective and the writing lessons she taught me. I wish I could work with her every week!”

-Maria Garcia

“I HIGHLY recommend working with Carlie. She's a gifted storyteller who can help you make your script better, encourage you to have more fun writing , all while keeping the integrity of your story intact. Why are you still reading this? Go contact Carlie for a consultation! You (and your story) deserve it.”

-Aimee DuFresne

Book a free consult to learn more!

Use the contact info listed below to schedule a time, with “Consult” in your message and I’ll get back to you asap.




Script Therapy

If you have a script you’ve finished and would like constructive feedback and notes on, Script Therapy is for you. In this session we dive in deep, and go over your script, see what’s working, what’s not, and what changes can be made to make your next draft the best one yet.

  • 1-2 hour session


4 Week Accountability Coaching

The 4 week package includes:

1 Goal Mapping session + 4 weekly, one on one, hour long zoom sessions where we work on your page goals, creative blocks, read pages, receive notes, learn new exercises, get story prompts and more. Consult required prior to purchase.

  • Text / Email support available between sessions


6 Week Accountability Coaching

The 6 week package includes:

1 Goal Mapping session + 6 weekly, one on one, hour long zoom sessions where we work on your page goals, creative blocks, read pages, receive notes, learn new exercises, get story prompts and more. Consult required prior to purchase.

  • Text / Email support available between sessions

For purchase options, and more info on packages click here